Thanks for this, Noel, and your consistent witness (and hope) in dangerous times.

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Happy Valentines Day, Noel

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Oh, happy Valentines day to you too.

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Non-AI verse:

Republicans are red

They hold all the clout

I’d wish we all knew

What the heck they’re about

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🤗❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ - No more needs to be said


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I'm sitting in my cosy little carriage house enjoying the quiet. I can't relax tho. I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop.waiting for soldiers to come out of the woods,walking towards me.My carriage house is no longer safe,the quiet is safe no more, I am safe no more. The war is in my front porch. There are no more shoes to drop

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Thank you for putting words to my feelings. I do especially appreciate the focus on kindness and forgiveness in the midst of so much cruelty.

I’m currently reading a great book by N. T. Weight, Jesus and The Powers. It is a helpful guide within dysfunctional democracies.

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Thanks Noel. I had been meaning to reach out to see how you’re doing. This told me. And makes me feel less alone in my anger. These next few years are going to be devastating I am afraid to say.

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I know it’s nice to have finally reached Noel, you’re always welcome, Sue. But, it will be really nice and much more helpful if we all keep a positive mindset and always see the best in all we do.

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Thanks.Noel. Message me with a mailing address if you’d like a CD of “Meditations on the Passion”. Dave Mattacks produced it for St. Andrew’s during Covid and did a great job. I’m guessing that you and Jeanne might find it meaningful.

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Thanks Noel, I’m so a-political; your POV truly appreciated. Perhaps this presidents’ term will provide fodder for many satirical songs You might write? I’m reminded of Simon & Garfunkel’s, “AT THE ZOO”.

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You've been the voice for millions for decades now!

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Thanks man. You voice the same concerns and fears of many. Sadly, without some type of intervention, I too fear democracy may end.

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Perhaps you should name your before dinner drink the ImPeach Margarita. One can only hope. ;)

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I loved John Henry Bosworth and your commitment to be ready for what is ahead. We are there! Check Project 2025 and you will see the next level of rebellion against the Creator, not only through the camouflaged hate but through apostate Christians trying to change God's Law. This includes the law of love and the day of worship (changing times and laws - Rev). JHB has found the truth in the Word through an understanding of the prophecies, a lamblike beast who speaks as a dragon.

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So well said and "heartfelt". May the Love of us all intervene with a Valentine of "common sense". My we be delivered from the Dark Donald Side!

Dave Anderson

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Happy Valentine Day and may the Criminal in the White House find his heart.

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Thank you for that!!

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